Celtic Herbal Medicine Intensive

Sunday 27th April to Sunday 4th May 2025.
Please apply using the application form below.

celtic-logoIn 2025 we will be celebrating the transition from Spring to Summer with the ancient Fire Festival of Beltane. A varied programme includes embracing an energetic framework and discussing and making Practical Herbal Remedies for our overall health. Getting up close and personal with plants. With log fires and fully catered for.  The intensive includes 3 days of guided herb walks to Arran’s special and sacred sites interspersed between the teaching days. Our work here over the past 30 years has led us to a reawakening of the Celtic view of the Elements and Health. You will be guided through this as a practical key to unlocking the secrets of our healing plants worldwide.  This intensive has its zenith on Beltane (modern May Day) with a Celtic Fire Celebration for one of the sacred ‘Cross Quarter Days’ a balance point of the Celtic year between the Spring Equinox and the coming Summer Solstice. Please get in touch if you want to join us next year in Scotland.

Special guest teachers for 2025 are Irish herbalist and scholar Danny O’Rawe MSc. M.IRH and Welsh herbalist Nicola Dee Kelly M.NIMH. This course is an experiential one and participants have praised the experience as one held in a warm educational environment with a group experience that can be truly life changing.  

From the beginning of human her/history we have lived in an elemental world.

Without the soil and rain and wind and sun and space we could not have stood here in anything like our present form. After many years of study and research into the elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether and their inter-relationships with health and healing plants, traditional herbalist and renowned teacher Keith Robertson MSc FNIMH is ready to bring his own systematic approach on seeing how these elements move through plants and humans. Keith was born on the Island of Arran into a family with strong healing and Celtic roots and the initiative of the Celtic Herbal Medicine Intensive, and the wider Herbal Apprenticeship programme, springs from an ardent desire to reconnect with an authentic spirit of Celtic healing, using primarily the living medium of our native plants. As humans we find ourselves mobile in space but constrained by linear time. Plants are mainly constrained in space but more mobile in time, as they reincarnate as seeds or clone themselves by shoots, runners etc. This makes them such important teachers as they so different and yet so closely entwined with the human being.

This Intensive will use the progression of the Elements as a structure to view plants and the human body, working through each element in sequence and fully exploring all their many aspects. A contemplative and experiential approach has been built up over the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine’s long career and this is our key into unlocking the book of nature and allowing us to glimpse the meanings emblazoned on creation.

The Celtic Mysteries, so important to seers such as Rudolf Steiner, have been mainly lost in a sea of Celtic Bling. This initiative is an honest expedition back to the heart of the plants and the land here (set up as a veganic sanctuary for the purpose of facilitating this work) and to the heart of what it means to be a Celtic Healer in today’s world. If you would like to be part of this exciting journey then please get in touch.

We have a maximum of 8 places so advance booking is essential. The course is also highly practical and we cover all the major pharmacy preparations from infusions right up to distilling aromatic waters as we explore the intricate world of plants.

Please download an application form below.

SSHM Application form Celtic Herbal Medicine April Intensive 25

For any further questions please e-mail me at keith at herbalmedicine.org.uk
(anti – spam please add the @) – we are also on Facebook at Drimlabarra Herb Farm and as Keith Robertson.

Herbal Intensive Photographs

Course Price

To apply click on the form above.







Shared Room £45/night

Tuition is £700 and full board from £525 based on sharing a room. If your application is approved we require a deposit of £600 to confirm your place, the balance is payable before arrival and we are happy to discuss a payment plan for this.

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