Herbal Medicine


Keith has almost 35 years experience as a Herbal Medicine practitioner and has always been active members of the largest UK practitioner professional body, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (www.NIMH.org.uk). NIMH members are fully insured to practice.


By nature, any good practice is always developing and Keith is particularly interested in integrating the Contemplative Goethean Science approach to person study as the foundation of his practice. After 15 years of using this approach to study plants, he is now able to successfully offer treatment consultations and instruction using the 7 step Goethean Science method to facilitate those wanting to address imbalance or to make changes in their lives. A further breakthrough came for him when his research into Celtic Herbal Medicine gave him new insights into the 5 Elements and this in incorporated now into this important work.

Click here to pop up the 7 steps

Goethe 0 FIRST IMPRESSIONS - begins even before meeting the plant or patient, on the basis that something has attracted us to meet this particular plant or person and is said to result from an openness of ‘soul’ on first meeting. This stage could be seen as ‘intuitive precognition’ involving first impressions.

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What to expect

Consultations require an initial day spent at the herb farm. Catching the 9.45am ferry allows for an individual session to begin by 11.30am when the first stage of the 7 step method is covered. Following a vegan organic lunch, work continues rebuilding/remembering the person’s intention of how they wish to bring healing into their lives and the qualities required to help support that.

Herbs, foods and practices which share those qualities are then explored and the individual then engages with the plants growing in the herb garden with a view of helping the selection of the herbs eventually dispensed. We aim for the whole process to be concluded by 3.30pm allowing an island day-tripper to return to the mainland on the 4.40pm ferry. For those who wish to spend more time, this is possible by arrangement.

With Keith’s guidance, herbs specifically indicated to support the process are identified and the individual calls to the herb stating their new intention with which they are asking the plant to help them.

The individual will harvest the most appropriate part of the plant themselves (after asking permission from the plant to do so) and will bring the fresh material into the dispensary to begin making the most appropriate form of preparation/s with direction from Keith.

The new healing intention identified in steps 3 and 4 are ceremonially infused into the preparations as the remedy or external preparations are being made and the dosage and frequency of administration are determined. In this way, the remedies the individual takes back with them are potentised or charged with the positive intention set by the person themselves, to further support and remind the person of their own intention to get well.

The session lasts from 11.30am -3.30pm including lunch and costs £150. Any additional time outside these hours will be charged at £50/hour. Shorter consultations are available and charged at £50/hour. Medicines harvested and prepared during the session will be charged in addition but should not cost more than £7-10 per week, depending on the number of different preparations required eg. some external preparations may be necessary as well as internal drops or teas.

Follow up is provided via email and a monthly half hour telephone consultation at a cost of £25 made payable monthly via direct debit for the duration that your herbal treatment is under our care. A repeat session at the herb farm can be booked as required. Prices above would apply.

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