Apprenticeship in Herbal Medicine  –  Drimlabarra Herb Farm.
Starts January 2025 by Correspondence Course then
6 weeks fully catered residential Tuition
from 10th June to 1st July and 8th to 27th September 2025.

 Applications now open for 2025 

An apprenticeship opportunity with Keith Robertson MSc FNIMH,
co-founder of The Scottish School of Herbal Medicine and one of the UK’s leading herbal educators.
Also joining us accomplished Welsh Herbalist Nicola Dee Kelly MNIMH
and the unique Irish Herbalist Danny O’Rawe MSc. MIRH, Dip Herb, MABC, Dip Nat, Dip Arom.

A unique opportunity to learn about growing, identifying, harvesting, drying, processing and using herbs throughout one complete season within a small, unique group. We are recruiting for a maximum of 4 live-in apprentices. If this would interest you then please contact us for an application form or download by clicking on the link below

SSHM Application form Apprenticeship in Herbal Medicine 2025

Or e-mail me for a copy at keith at (anti – spam please add the @)

This apprenticeship is seen as an opportunity for hands on and experiential learning in all the practical aspects of being a Herbalist. It is a glorious gift to really slow down and disconnect from the modern madness that is human life and dive deep down into the world of plants in a truly supportive atmosphere.
Learn how to listen to plants and make strong connections with the local medicinal plants of Arran Learn how to find or grow herbs, harvest them and make beautiful medicines, as well as how to use them safely and effectively for improved health. We will also be looking at how to grow and prepare living food for optimum nutrition. This is an apprenticeship in experiential, self directed and self reliant learning.

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